Safety Guide for the Chemical Industry

From Chernobyl to Bhopal gas tragedy, the world has seen a number of gut wrenching Industrial disasters that have killed millions and destroyed the lives of others, apart from leaving a permanent blemish on the environment including, pollution, which is still affecting the hundreds of lives. When it comes to the chemical industry, Chemical manufacturers in India are infamous for their lax safety and security protocols. Worker agitations fueled by accidents have led to the government taking cognizance of the extent of the problem, and they have started tightening the noose through making laws for Industrial safety. Here we share few safety tips for the Chemical industry which may help you in the chemical business.

  • Training: The only way to drive home the importance of safety amongst your workers is to ensure training programs for them at regular intervals. Chemical manufacturers in Mumbai are paying a lot of attention in designing extensive training programs for their employees, dealing with standard practices and protocols for safety. You need to make your workers understand the importance of these protocols and the very fact that these are designed for their own benefit. We need to cultivate the habits of safe work culture among all concerned.

  • Zero tolerance approach: Sometimes the smallest of procedures can cause the biggest of accidents. Chemical industry, by its nature can be very hazardous and to ensure conformity to safety measures, a zero tolerance approach is a must. Vigorous monitoring of safe practices either by engineering control or strong supervision will prevent a worker from defying the smallest of deviations from protocols. Safety measures in chemical manufacturing are all about prevention. Even if a deviation does not lead to an accident, it’s important for you to make that concerned employee, understand the magnanimity of the consequences.

  • Invest in first aid and Ambulances: Non-fatal injuries in chemical factories can often turn fatal if proper first-aid is not provided in time. Make sure you at least have a basic first aid provision with a doctor/nurse on your payroll, at all times so that you can deal with these situations when they arise. Also don’t hesitate to invest in top quality protective gear like helmets, gloves etc.

  • Labelling: The importance of labels in Chemical industry is paramount. Let’s say you are a plating chemical manufacturer who deals with potentially hazardous compounds like Hydrochloric acids, Cyanides, Chromic Acids and less toxic ones like Copper sulphate. The labelling on the containers will dictate the behavior of your employees, towards them. Make sure that you have properly labelled the package as per its chemical properties such as flammable, toxic, corrosive, oxidising, etc. otherwise improper labels may lead fatal accident in chemical manufacturing. Never guess the chemicals by its physical appearance.

This is just a brief guidelines on maintaining a security infrastructure in a chemical intensive factory. We have not delved into details as chemical manufacturing is vast and each process has its own set of guidelines and safety rules. Nevertheless you can use these tips to improve the overall safety of the environment of your factory.

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