Sanitary Fittings

Sanitary fittings are processed with different types of decorative coatings, which have excellent corrosion resistance. Most popular coatings for these parts are Copper & Nickel ,with a variety of top-layers e.g, Chrome, Gold / Silver & followed by electrophoretic lacquer etc. Application of such coatings on variety of base metals – brass, mild-steel, zinc based die-castings etc. makes the processed components eye-appealing. We also produce environmentally friendly coatings, which are Lead and Nickel free, and offer long-lasting beauty. Their durability even lasts under severe wearing conditions and humidity. Grauer & Weil (I) Ltd, offers complete plating solutions to the finishing requirements. All these process are specially designed, to offer the consumer’s unique benefits such as ranges, quality, variety of price point options & unmatched after sales service to get desired function with stylist look.


CategoriesProcessUnique Features
Specialized pre-treatment process Groclean MSL Neutral cleaner, specially designed for non-ferrous components. No metal etching, quick removal of polishing compounds.
Ginbond Z 72 Excellent soak cleaner for non-ferrous components
Steelex K 220 Soak Cleaner (ultrasonic/hydrosonic) system with excellent emulsifying properties
Steelex Soak Cleaner Exceptional emulsifying, wetting properties. Works at low concentrations
Ginbond 814 Specialised soak & cathodic electrocleaner
  Ginbond 814 SPL Multi-purpose cleaner, suitable for automatic lines, high cleaning power, stable process.Specially suited for automatic installations.
Copper Plating Rochelle Copper High efficiency cyanide based process
Cuprobrite NC Non-cyanide plating process for using as base coat on variety of substrates
Pyroglo Copper Bright pyrophosphate based copper plating process with excellent coverage
Cuprobrite 3006 / 3009 Acid copper plating with superb brightness and levelling
Nickel Plating Ductolite Semi-bright S-free semi-bright nickel plating process
with desired potential difference
i.e, > 100 mv between bright &
semi-bright nickel. Exhibits lower internal
stress, ensuring desired adhesion
Ductolite Maintenance MC/MCM Ideal base coat for multilayer nickel deposit. Noble, glossy semibright deposit
Nickel Plating Unispec 18 / 511 Single additive bright nickel system with unmatched levelling at low dosage to reduce the cost of buffing, specially designed for olating on metal parts
Spectra 190 Bright nickel with exceptional throwing power and chromability
Superglo Brightener 33 / 936 Brightener system with broad working window
Ductolite MPS Ni Microporous nickel applied on bright nickel as flash layer before chrome coating offers outstanding corrosion resistance
Pearlsheen Nickel 1249 / 1449 Glossy crystalline eye-catching satin nickel deposit. Ideal for top layer continuous operation
Growel Antique Nickel Stable pewter finish
Tinilloy Dark pewter finish
Grow Black Nickel Black Nickel platting process
Brass Plating Zinco Brass Salt Highly stable, consistent brass plating process
Chrome Plating Triplus Chrome 300 / Durobrite TC 3000 Bright chromium plating process using trivalent electrolyte. Conforms to RoHS and OSHA directives
Triplus Chrome TC 301 Black/Graphite coloured chrome deposit from trivalent electrolyte
Durocrack Chrome Mixed catalyzed chrome plating process with very good throwing power
Silver Plating Argobrite Glossy bright finish
Gold Plating Growbond Multitude of colour shades with consistency in operation
Electrophoretic Lacquer Growclear 6000 series (PU-based lacquer) Non-yellowing transparent coating enhances durability and style. Can be used in conjunction with dyes for Rose Gold, Gold, and Black finishes
Blackening Process Gibonol C115 Provides specialized antique finishes when applied on brass and/or copper plated components.