Management Board


Mr. Umesh N More



Mr. Niraj U. More

Managing Director

Mr. Rohit R More


Mr. Yogesh Samat

Director - Operations

Non-Executive Independent Directors

  • Mr. Ashok Kanodia
  • Mr. Anil Gadodia
  • Dr. Prerna Goradia
  • Mr. Ayush Agarwala

Profile of Directors (PDF Download)


Key Management Personnel

Mr. H. B. Charna Sr. President (Engineering)
Mrs. Pallavi More  President
Mr. Sujit Sinha  President (Paints)
Mr. Dipesh Mehta President (MIS)
Mr. Gurinder Gulati CFO & President (Commercial)
Mr. Chintan Gandhi Company Secretary


At Growel, we are proud to have a qualified and experienced team dedicatedly working round the clock to provide innovative solutions to our customers. Our technical team comprises of highly qualified professionals who have a wide and rich experience in the field of surface finishing.