5 Tips for Maximizing Performance of Electroless Nickel Plating

The process of EN plating involves the application of nickel phosphorus coating which can be used to improve the resistance to corrosion or wear and tear and even improve the surface hardness. During the process, there is no use of electric current into the plating bath and instead, the plating is carried out through a chemical reaction. One of the major advantages of EN plating in the chemical manufacturing is that it provides a uniform coating on the substrate surface and also allows great flexibility when it comes to controlling the thickness of the coating. However, this entire process is quite complex and requires a lot of precision for proper execution.

  1. Parts preparation: The electroplating chemicals manufacturers in India treat the parts chemically and rinse them properly before plating so that there are no contaminants on their surface. During the process, one needs to use methods such as shot peening and abrasive blasting for the removal of difficult substrates
  2. Water purity and Tank Selection: If the water that is used for the EN bath contains impurities then that might cause unacceptable plating results. Thus, it is necessary that the water should be free of metal ions or any other foreign matter.  The tank is used to hold the EN bath should be made out of stainless steel or polypropylene as such a tank lasts longer but requires passivation to make them anodic. Also, the propylene can be used to prevent the plate-out of the EN onto the tank.
  3. Constant filtering: The chemical companies in mumbai consider this necessary for the plating bath as it helps in removing insoluble materials that can cause the substrate to become rough. A filter that has a porosity rate of at most five microns is recommended for EN plating. Moreover, the desired filtration rate is a minimum of 4-5 turnovers per hour.
  4. Temperature control: The temperature of the plating bath is monitored by the chemical manufacturers during the entire process otherwise it might lead to complications. In case the temperature is too high, it can fasten the decomposition of the bath solution and cause blistering in the substrate.  On the other hand, if the temperature is low, it can lengthen the timeframe of the plating process beyond the required level and prevents coating deposition.
  5. Continuous solution testing and post-treatment processes: There needs to be an accurate balance of bath chemicals for effective EN plating. By implementing a continuous testing system, you can be sure about the automatic replenishment of the chemicals as required. The EN plating can sometimes lead to staining or a fatal condition referred to as hydrogen embrittlement. These can be treated with by applying a post-treatment chromate while on the other hand the hydrogen can be removed through post-plating baking.
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