Understanding the Popular Types of Dacromet Coating

Dacromet is mainly made of overlapping zinc and aluminum flakes in an inorganic binder. Dacromet is the chief inorganic coating mostly used in wind turbines, heavy trucks, marine, agricultural, construction equipment and aerospace industries etc.

A good quality Dacromet coating has various characteristics like four-way corrosion protection, barrier protection, galvanic action, and passivation. The zinc oxides and carbonates can travel to the impaired area and restore the coating, this enables self-repairing in Dacromet coating.

A dacromet coating offers various advantages. Dacromet is 5-7 microns and dacromet L is 7-9 microns. The dacromet coating doesn’t need Hydrogen Embrittlement, acid pickling or electroplating. They are bimetallic Corrosion Resistant. The Inorganic nature makes it resistant to organic solvents. The dacromet coating is heat resistant and conductive. It is salt spray resistance. It has a greater corrosion protection than zinc. Apart from all these properties, the Dacromet coating has environmental advantages also like it is composed of nontoxic metals. As it is water based, it is free from other toxic solvents

There are different types of Dacromet coating available based on the properties:

BASECOAT: This coating is made of Zinc aluminum flakes with different binders in silver color.

Dacromet 310/320: This is Hexavalent chrome based zinc aluminum coating. They are used in Fasteners, nuts, springs, hose clamps etc.

Dacromet 500: This is Hexavalent chrome based zinc aluminum coating which is self-lubricated and used in automobile, construction, wind mills etc.

Geomet 720: This is Silicate based zinc aluminum flake coating completely free from chromium. It is used in fasteners, nuts, springs, hose clamps, automobile, and construction.

Geomet 321: This is also Silicate based zinc aluminum flake coating
completely free from chromium. It is used in fasteners, nuts, springs, hose clamps, automobile, and construction.  

Geomet 500: This is also silicate based zinc aluminum flake coating
completely free from chromium, it is self-lubricated. Used in Automobile, construction, wind mill etc. 

Geomet 320/360: This is another Silicate based zinc aluminum flake coating completely free from chromium. It has high content of aluminum and offers better heat resistance.  It is especially used for brake disc.

Because of its properties, uses, and advantages, the different types of Dacromet coatings are highly in demand in the market. There are many manufacturers but the customers always prefer the reliable manufacturers of Dacromet coating.

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