Benefits of Using High-Quality Wire Drawing Lubricants

The low-quality wiring can lead to several problems, such as wire breaks, poor quality of wire and, in turn, you have to spend more money on the operating costs. Due to this reason, you must use high-quality wire drawing lubricants, which is sold by the reputed companies. There are several benefits of utilizing high-quality wire drawing lubricants. 

The 2 Approaches to Copper Wire Lubrication Industry

Sub-standard lubricity results in die wear which leads to poor wire quality and wire breaks, thus reducing productivity and increasing operating costs. There are famous manufacturers of copper wire drawing lubricants in India that produce quality wire drawing lubricants to preserve the production parameters of your wire drawing machine and to allow the production of top quality finished wire. They also offer custom formulations to meet specific customer requests and to help solve problems for our customers. Drawing of copper wires makes high demands on the quality and the condition of the wire drawing lubricants applied as they influence the result decisively. Besides the choice of the correct product with regard to the total machining, maintaining the lubricant applied is very important to ensure a maximal constancy. This can only be ensured by close collaboration between the copper wire drawing companies and the manufacturers of the lubricants.

All You Need to know about Aluminium Wire Drawing

Wire drawing is a metalworking process that can reduce the cross-section of a wire by pulling the wire through a single, or series of, drawing dyes. Wire drawing is used in a wide range of applications like electrical wiring, cables, tension-loaded structural components, springs, paper clips, spokes for wheels, and stringed musical instruments.   Wire drawing requires lubricants like aluminium lubricants as they can reduce friction and the pick-up and breakage that can occur with other metals.