New Product Details

16 April 2019
Copper Products Introduced

Cuprobrite 3009 brightener system

  • Super LCD coverage.
  • No harmful breakdown products & thereby, delays the frequency of the expensive carbon treatments.
  • Produces high glossy bright pit free deposit.
  • Excellent tolerance towards over additions.
  • Easy to handle.
Trivalent Black Passivation Process

Growchrome Zn Black 791

  • Single additive – very easy to handle.
  • Produces jet adherent black glossy black coloured passivate coating on alkaline zinc plated components.
  • Deposited coating with subsequent post passivations fixation in Corroguard 3039 PF &/ or black colour reinforcement coats e.g, Zincoseal 800/801 B.
  • Free from hexavalent chrome & hence, conforms all the newer directives.
  • Higher tolerance towards generated metallic impurities – higher bath life.
  • Suitably applicable both manual & automatic rack & barrel installations.
  • Does not contain any of traditional complexing agents – hence, treating the generating wastes are not tedious.



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